It has been a while since I attended Apple’s lab for the new Apple Watch in Sydney. I was trying to do something with a small screen devices with my existing apps. I chose to revamp my weather app for a few reasons:
- The screen size of the watch is small and the use cases (a very short period of usage time) are very different from iPhone or iPad. A weather app suits this very well when you just want to check the weather but don’t want to pick the phone from your pocket.
- Apple watch can use the current location from a paired bluetooth device. This is good news and it seems to be fast enough.
- My news apps and community apps are content heavy. I don’t think anyone wants to check news or read news on the watch because the texts are tiny.
My weather app was built on iOS6 with Objective-C and I had to change some of the API calls to CLLocation to compatible with iOS8.3 and I decided to use Swift.
The biggest mistake I made was I did not mention to the reviewer that this app was only made for Australians. So, when the reviewer tested the app in the US and came up with an error message. He thought that was a bug and I thought so. Then, I was trying to fix this bug and submit it again and again.
It took two months for me to realise that he was not in Australia when tested my app after I log the latitude and latitude in Flurry. Damn!!! So, I submitted the app again and mention some instructions in the “Note” section in iTunes Connect and guess what. The app has passed and available now here.
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